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Build A Profitable Swing Strategy

I'm not against learning new things, but I am against changing a strategy that works.

I built my trading strategy on AUDUSD using the 1-minute timeframe. Yep! That was back when. I was a scalper.

That got overwhelming, so I took my information and tried it on higher timeframes. I found the results to be more profitable and sustainable.

Today, I'd like to share my top 3 groundbreaking findings that led me to be a swing trader.


Quick reminder, I'll be live today, October 18, at 1:00 pm EST. so be sure to join me on Youtube


My 3 Grounding Breaking Findings

🤦🏾‍♀️It just made more sense

"Man, F*** these charts! While absurd, that's how I felt back in my scalping and day trading days.

I remember saying this out loud in the car in front of my husband. He just looked at me like crazy because it came out of nowhere. What he found out was I'd lost a couple of trades, and I was on the brink of just giving up.

But I didn't. I thought that if I went up in timeframes, I could see it better and hold the trades longer. Little did I know the idea was going to pay off.

Although it didn't pay off immediately, what I saw made sense. The candlesticks were bigger, there was less to see, and all I had to do was wait for my moment to enter the trade and NOT WATCH it play out.

That was my AHA moment. All I had to do was walk away. I mean, I'm swing trading, right? What's the rush for?

💸I make more money when I do nothing

This past summer, I went camping with my family. Not the kind of camping with tents, lamps, or going fishing for food. Nah!

I went bougie camping. You know, the type with a cabin that has a stove, shower, water park, and a beach near. Ok, you got it, right? Bougie!

Anyway, I had a few trades running, and they all reached profit. I made money being away from charts, and the best part was, I didn't bring my laptop with me, and thank God because the internet was not the best where we were anyway.

The beautiful part about this is seeing my work pay off. All the long nights and what seemed like none ending backtesting sessions are paying off.

And I'm not the only one who benefits from this! My family benefits. My clients benefit. All because I put in the work to make my strategy work by doing less.

It's not all roses, but it's beautiful

From time to time, I get pricked by a thorn. I lose a trade or trades, and it can be painful. I mean, I have emotions, but that doesn't mean good days aren't near.

What I've learned about swing trading is it takes confidence and some weeks of not seeing the outcome unfold. It's truly a waiting game that has many benefits, such as:

  • Less time analyzing

  • A short trading schedule

  • More time in life with friends and family

  • Bigger reward if you let the trade run

  • Time to let the trade set back up-more time to enjoy your profits

  • You can finally breathe!!!

Swing Trading can be chaotic at times, but there is beauty in seeing the outcome of what your mind and hands can do.


Are you opposed to working with me for 6 weeks before the New Year Rolls in? Let me help you prepare for your best trading year ever! I invite you to book a Discover Call with me, and let's discover your areas of profitable opportunities and book your 6 sessions today.

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Irie Fxtrading
Irie Fxtrading
Oct 22, 2022


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